
Quran Circles is an initiative of connection, suhba, and dawa based on the collective reading of the book of Allah.

We aim to unify our ummah and inspire Muslims all over the world through a common purpose—to connect with the Quran.

How it works

Quran Circles is a simple, reproducible model. Those interested in starting their own Quran Circle will invite 9 others to join them in a monthly khatam of the Quran. Each circle member will be assigned 3 Juz per month (approximately 2-3 pages per day). The collective reading of the group will result in 1 group khatam per month and each individual member will complete their own individual khatm in the year.

Members gather in-person every month to complete their khatm, begin their next khatm, make dua, and share reflections.

Each Ramadan, all of the various Quranic Circles will gather together in their geographic area for a “Grand Khatm”.


Through the collective reading of the Quran, we intend:

1. Spiritual, physical, and emotional healing for ourselves, our families, and the ummah.

2. The proliferation of the light of Muhammad (saw) through the secrets held in the Quran.

3. That Allah uses us and our progeny to spread the light of Islam.

4. Unification of the ummah.